TSA Independent School
We commit to ensuring the provision of a safe and inclusive environment for young people where they feel respected, safe, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Our School Pillars and How We Work
Student and staff each year construct and agree upon the Code of School Behaviour.
The Code is based upon four Principles: Respect, Safe and Legal, Responsibility and Participation.
Be polite and kind to our school community
We have a zero tolerance for bullying
Remember to accept people as they are and respect diversity
Avoid using offensive language - remember to code switch
Treat others the way you would like to be treated
Wear appropriate clothes at school
Have respect for yourself
Yelling is unacceptable
Respect other people’s opinions, personal space and belongings
Care for the buildings and equipment
Respect other students, school staff, volunteers, Corp staff and visitors
Keep hands and feet to ourselves
Care for others
Be aware of how people may be feeling
Clean up any mess and keep your work spaces tidy
Give everyone a chance to talk
Try to actively listen when staff and visitors are speaking
Safe and Legal
Everyone should feel safe at school – speak up if you do not feel safe
Don't come to school under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Discard any sharp or unsafe objects property
Avoid smoking on school site
No alcohol or illegal drugs to be brought into school
No harassment, intimidation, emotional or physical abuse towards any students, staff, volunteers or visitors
Do not bring anything to school that could cause harm to other students, staff, volunteers, visitors
Be responsible for your own work, actions and choices
Help pack up your stuff at the end of the day
Do your best to attend school every day
Try your best in your work and meet the deadlines
Ask for help if you need it
Take the breaks at the appropriate times and be back in class on time for each session
Help others to clean up your work areas
Put your rubbish in the bin
Avoid spitting
Come to school
Try to participate in all activities you are comfortable with – “give it a go”
Try your hardest in all school activities (in and out of the classroom)
Students who are not able to value the four principles of the school may be asked to leave school for the day or until they are in a headspace for learning and engaging again.