TSA Independent School
We commit to ensuring the provision of a safe and inclusive environment for young people where they feel respected, safe, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.

The YOS Lawnton Riverview campus offers an alternative learning approach with the opportunity for students who have disengaged from mainstream education with the opportunities to reconnect with education and complete there Year 10 and senior certificates in a more flexible setting. We aim to provide flexible education programs with a future focus.
Under The Salvation Army, we focus our efforts towards the mission of:
Caring for people
Building health communities
Creating faith pathways and
Working for Justice
We look to our teachers to reengage students and teach within the levels of Year 11 or 12. Delivery Certificates I and II from the Foundations Skills Training package as well as Essential English, Essential Mathematics and Social Community Studies.
Our team is small and everyone is required to work together to assist our students and the school in achieving success. This involves building strong respectful relationships with a range of students while utilising behaviour management techniques to maintain the expectations of the classroom. It also involves working closely with a Teacher Aide, Youth Worker and Vocational Trainer, utilising their abilities in the classroom to help students.
We aim to achieve personal and academic success while preparing our students for their future, with a heavy emphasis on social-emotional learning and vocational pathways as a road map to achievement.