TSA Independent School
We commit to ensuring the provision of a safe and inclusive environment for young people where they feel respected, safe, valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.


YOS Lawnton, has been part of the Lawnton community for over seven years, with a desire to see young people reengage in education to benefit themselves and the community in which they live. YOS Lawnton is a Special Assistance School, under The Salvation Army, delivering specialised, tailored programs to young people. It recognises that there are many young people who are at significant risk of disengaging or who have disengaged completely from the mainstream education system.
YOS Lawnton campus offers an alternative learning approach with the opportunity for students to reconnect with education, while getting a head-start into employment. We aim to provide flexible education programs with a future focus.
Gained funding in 2005 through Education Queensland to assist in the funding of the Lawnton & Caboolture Alternate Delivery Education Programs.
2013 The last Year 12 students graduated from the Caboolture Alternative Education Program after the loss of Education Queensland funding. Education Programs continue at Lawnton, Stafford and Fortitude Valley.
2015 YOS gained Independent School status and enrolled 21 students in its first year of operation. The school is situated at The Salvation Army Pine Rivers Corps (Church) at Lawnton.
2015 Alternative Learning Programs also operated at Lawnton (16 students). YOS continues to support young people through Accommodation, Education, Life Skills and Driving Programs.
2017 YOS gained approval to build two temporary classrooms, a space the students could call their own.
2022 The school opened a brand new campus facility on the Pine Rivers Corp site including 4 learning areas, a hospitality centre and an art and IT centre.